China AMC Sponsors Beijing Marathon for Two Consecutive Years - Insist Running, Insist Happiness!
date:2015-06-19 source: hits:

As the leading brand of asset management in China market, ChinaAMC sponsors 2015 Beijing Marathon. This is the second year for ChinaAMC to sponsor Beijing Marathon and ChinaAMC would surely inject new vitality into the event.

For the past 17 years, ChinaAMC has been persistent in investment and has created considerable returns for its investors. Beijing Marathon is one of the oldest annual marathons in China and ranks as one of the China's most prestigious road racing events. By joining hands with Beijing Marathon, ChinaAMC hopes to promote the development of marathon in China and deliver to everyone, “Keep trying, keep thriving”.

[Company Overview]

Established on April 9, 1998, China Asset Management Co., Ltd. (ChinaAMC) is one of the first batch nation-wide fund management companies approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). With headquarter located in Beijing, ChinaAMC has branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chengdu, and a subsidiary in Hong Kong. ChinaAMC devotes to providing qualified investment products and services to investors on the basis of professional and prudent investment and research.

Business Development

ChinaAMC keeps its leading position in the industry with compliant operation, stable management and comprehensive strengths. ChinaAMC, as the leading asset manager in China with total assets under management of USD 79.28 billion, provides investment service for 35 thousand institutional investors and 25 million retail investors.

Business Range 

ChinaAMC develops rapidly and has obtained full licenses in the industry. It’s one of the first batch investment managers of National Social Securities Fund, corporate annuities, QDII funds and RQFII funds, the first ETF and the first SH-HK stock connect ETF manager in China, and it’s qualified to manage separated accounts and insurance assets. ChinaAMC’s business range is one of the widest in the industry.

Investment and Research Team 

ChinaAMC is the first in the industry to initiate the investment philosophy of Research Creates Value. It established strict investment process and systems, in order to obtain stable and reliable return through professional and prudent investments. ChinaAMC has attracted lots of overseas professionals with high-standard ethics, rich experience and outstanding research capabilities to join its investment and research team. The average industry experience of ChinaAMC’s fund managers is over 11 years. While sharing the team wisdom, fund managers in ChinaAMC play an active role in investment management with independent and prospective views. The whole team is experienced and full of vigor.

Fund Products 

ChinaAMC has established a complete product-line, including 55 open-end funds, from money market funds with low risk and return to equity funds with high risk and return, which could meet the demands of investors with different risk preferences. ChinaAMC manages several mandates of National Social Securities Fund. It has also been designated as the investment manager of corporate annuities by more than 200 large and medium-sized enterprises, and the asset manager of segregated accounts by many clients. ChinaAMC is one of the fund houses with the largest number and most diversified types of funds in China.



Host: Chinese Athletic Association, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports      Supporter: China Central Television(CCTV)

Organized by: China Olympic Road Running Co.,Ltd.(CORR), Beijing Sports Competitions Administration Center

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